Our Projects

Mastering the Force

Mastering the Force

The force is really all around you! Get ready to unlock its secrets with this hands-on project, where you will explore the world of everyday forces and discover how we can interact with them. Through collaborative experimentation, participants will build their own instruments to unleash the power of simple machines and immerse themselves in the fascinating world of physics!

Building with Atoms – Part 1 to 3

Atoms are extremely small, about a hundred thousand times smaller than a human hair, way too small to be seen. However, using simple ingredients found in the supermarket’s baking aisle, you can build complex structures with atoms! This project will teach you how to manipulate atoms to produce amazing crystal structures at home, and our augmented reality (AR) environments will allow you to shrink yourself and dive into the nanoworld and beyond!

Your Place in the Universe

Get ready to unlock the secrets of the force with this hands-on project, where you will explore the world of everyday forces and discover how we can interact with them. Through collaborative experimentation, participants will build their own instruments to unleash the power of simple machines and immerse themselves in the fascinating world of physics!

Join Big SciEncE!

Join the BIG SCIENCE! community now! Collaborate in exciting group experiments with people from all over New Zealand, alongside our expert scientists.